Learn about Supplements
5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Supplements
To get the most out of your herbal supplements, consider making a few small lifestyle changes.
17 Harmful Ingredients to Avoid in Supplements
Let’s face it: not all supplements are created equal. Some, like ours, are free of unnecessary additives and fillers. On top of that, we’re transparent about what we DO put in our supplements. Unfortunately, this is not common practice. The problem is that the FDA doesn’t regulate the supplement market and yet has cleared over 3,000 additives to be used on their list of approved ingredients. Many of these additives have been shown in studies to damage your health and yet they’re still allowed to be added to your supplements. But why do companies feel the need to use additives? Well, they’re...
How Do I Take My Herbal Supplements? Help!
If you’re confused about how exactly to take your supplements, you’re not alone! We hear from customers all the time with questions about how and when to take their supplements, so we’ve put together this handy guide to put your mind at ease. As always, the following is not intended as medical advice. If you still have questions, please speak to your doctor, especially if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Should I take my capsules with or without food? The good news is, it’s up to you, though it’s worth keeping in mind that food can delay absorption, meaning the capsule...
How to Read Herbal Supplement Fact Tables Like a Pro!
If you feel bewildered when trying to read herbal supplement tables, you’re not alone!